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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

BANNERS: World PARTY Day | April 03 (#WorldPartyDay) (#PDay)

World Party Day (P-Day) is celebrated on April 3 as a synchronized global mass celebration of a better world and the creation of desirable reality.

This celebrated day has no religious or political connections which means everyone and anyone can participate. The theme of World Party Day celebrations is a "universal human right to fun, peace and life." The only requirement is to celebrate and party from any place, whether a formal event or private party, large or small, or alone.

The idea of a coordinated synchronized worldwide party appeared as a work of fiction in the book Flight, A Quantum Fiction Novel, by American writer Vanna Bonta. In the ending of the book, published in 1995, all people in the world celebrated at the same time.

Masses of people grew larger by connecting with groups who shared ideals of peace and goals of using human intelligence and resources toward humanitarian progress. A massive worldwide phenomenon now in progress involves millions of individuals, organizations and corporations around the world who are realizing a responsibility and ability to contribute positively to the collective future of humanity and Earth.

The internet, media and communication has accelerated one of the biggest social transformations in human history, facilitating the organization of global movements. Research has begun documenting the emerging social transformation of people around the world uniting for a positive, joyful future for humanity, through a common task.

Happy World Party Day!

Source(s): wikipedia

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