

Thursday, March 23, 2017

BANNERS: Near Miss Day! | March 23

On March 23, 1989, a 300-metre asteroid called 4581 Asclepius flew past Earth by about 500,000 miles (804,000 kms). That was a 'near miss' in interstellar terms.

"On the cosmic scale of things, that was a close call," said Dr. Henry Holt, an amateur astronomer from Flagstaff, Ariz., who discovered the asteroid while working on a NASA project.
Bevan French, a scientist with NASA's solar system exploration division, said if the asteroid had collided with Earth the impact would have been equivalent to the explosion of 20,000 hydrogen bombs and would have created a crater at least 5 miles across--or "enough to destroy a good-sized city."
If it had hit an ocean, it would have caused tidal waves that would have swept over coastal regions, French said. - latimes

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

BANNERS: World Water Day! | March 22 (Set 2)

World Water Day is an annual event celebrated on 22 March. The day focuses attention on the importance of universal access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in developing countries. The day also focuses on advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

World Water Day is supported by stakeholders across the globe. Many organizations promote clean water for people and sustainable aquatic habitats. Events such as theatrical and musical celebrations, educational events, and campaigns to raise money for access to clean and affordable water are held worldwide on or close to 22 March.

UN-Water selects a theme for each year. Previous themes include: 'Why waste water?' (2017), 'Water and Jobs' (2016) and 'Water and Sustainable Development' (2015).

The first International World Water Day, designated by the United Nations, was commemorated in 1993.

Website: worldwaterday

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

BANNERS: World Poetry Day! | March 21

World Poetry Day is on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999. The purpose of the day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout the world and, as the UNESCO session declaring the day says, to "give fresh recognition and impetus to national, regional and international poetry movements".

"Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings. Poetry is the mainstay of oral tradition and, over centuries, can communicate the innermost values of diverse cultures."

Website: poetryday

Monday, March 20, 2017

BANNERS: Alien Abduction Day! | March 20 (#AlienAbductionDay)

Extraterrestrial Abduction Day (also called Alien Abduction Day) is a new festivity observed on March 20. Its origins are unclear, though it seems it was popularized since the 2008 Alien Abduction Day festival in Toronto which celebrated “all things extraterrestrial & sci-fi.

The celebrations take multiple forms, from those who watch the skies expecting or wishing to be abducted by an alien life form, or watching movies about UFOs and aliens.

Monday, March 13, 2017

BANNERS: Earmuff Day! | March 13

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Saturday, March 11, 2017

BANNERS: Spring Forward (DST) | SET 2

More 'SPRING FORWARD' banners for your site!
It's that time again - time to Spring Forward or as some of us also like to call it, Daylight Saving Time (DST). It's the time to set your clock one hour ahead before going to bed Saturday night - or 2:00am Sunday.
It's not much of a big deal today like it was way back when since most of our computers, phones and other electronics do the work for us. Nevertheless, if you want a reminder for your site, check out more banners below.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

BANNERS: Get Over It! Day | March 9

We all have something/someone in our lives we just have to get pass in order to move on. Need to get over it? Today is the day to do it!...

BANNERS: World Kidney Day

Needless to say, World Kidney Day is a global awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys.

World Kidney Day comes back every year. All across the globe, many hundred events take place from public screenings in Argentina to Zumba marathons in Malaysia. We do it all to create awareness. Awareness about preventive behaviours, awareness about risk factors, and awareness about how to live with a kidney disease. We do this because we want kidney health for all.

Source(s): worldkidneyday

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

CARDS: International Women's Day | March 08

International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women's Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women for their economic, political and social achievements.